How to Break Into Real-Estate Without Going to Jail

“Business, that’s easily defined – it’s other people’s money.” — Peter Drucker

“It’s tangible, it’s solid, it’s beautiful. It’s artistic, from my standpoint, and I just love real estate.” — Donald Trump

“A simple rule dictates my buying: Be fearful when others are greedy, and be greedy when others are fearful.” — Warren Buffett

Investing in real estate is about using other people’s money to increase one’s own personal wealth. It is not hard to hear a well-known business figure wax poetic about real estate. Robert Kiyosaki has said that he loves real estate because it is dumb as dirt. Meaning real estate is easy to understand and that anyone can master the fundamentals and build wealth using real estate.

The tax advantages alone make real estate a worthwhile addition to anyone’s wealth portfolio. Imagine having a property that pays you $6000 per year positive cashflow and imagine that that income is tax-free. What if you had 5 such properties? What about ten?

If these things are true, why do so many personal finance blogs steer clear of the topic of real estate investing while extolling the virtues of long-term investing in the stock market? And why have so many investors lost their investments through foreclosure because of this most recent real estate bust?

There are a myriad of ways to invest in real estate from mortgage-backed securities to REITs to tax liens. As a single investor, partner or part of a syndicate. Through properties bought for appreciation or cash flow. There are so many ways to interact with a property or group of properties for profit that the individual investor can get lost in the quagmire of information, courses and advice and end up going out with the tide, pushing up financial daisies or suffering any of the other terms used to describe financial catastrophes in today’s economy.

Because investing in real estate is a lot like specializing in a particular branch of medicine, this article is geared to the person who wants to own a tangible piece of property for investment purposes.

The Risks of Real Estate:

The risks of real estate are the same as any business and they are 1) liability 2) under capitalization 3) economies of scale 4) economic down turn 5) unknown exit strategy


Unfortunately in America legal action is considered one of the acceptable ways for people to increase their wealth. If a property carries a mortgage, the bank will insist that the property owner carry liability insurance, but it doesn’t stop there. The savvy investor will explore the options of legal entities, LLCs and limited partnerships, before investing in even that first property.

Under Capitalization:

The most common reason that businesses fail is the lack of capital. Too many real estate investors are looking for the “no money down deal” which too many people take to mean free, free real estate. Whether or not an investor is able to acquire a property with no money down, that investor should have sufficient access to funds to cover taxes, insurance, 6 months of mortgage payments and repair costs.

Economies of scale:

Real estate investing can be and often is a capital intensive business and the costs are fixed. What this means is that a small investor must spread fixed costs over a few units and a large investor must spread fixed costs over a larger number of units. Vacancies, repairs, tenant damage that exceeds usual repair costs will affect a smaller investor to a much greater extent than a large investor. How do smaller investors become large? By systematically acquiring more properties, trading up and by partnering with other like-minded investors.

Economic down turn:

Factors precipitating an economic decline are outside of the control of an individual investor, yet an economic decline affects real estate exit strategies and affects the ROI of properties purchased for cashflow.

Unknown Exit Strategy:

The majority of people who purchase real estate buy with one strategy in mind: to resell the property quickly in an appreciating market. What if the market does not appreciate and you get stuck with a property? Is the cashflow sufficient to allow you to hold the property until the property turns around or will you have to let your property go in a fire sale at the same time others are doing the same?

The following are simple strategies that will allow you to break into real estate, keep your shirt and avoid the hoosegow.

1) Invest for cashflow
2) use legal entities to hold your properties
3) carry appropriate liability insurance
4) know when to buy
5) develop partners on the ground

Invest for Cashflow:

Cashflow will allow you to weather the storms of appreciation and devaluation. Additionally most of your cashflow will be tax-free. Simple rule of thumb for quickly analyzing properties:

a) Buy oven numbered plexes beginning with the number 4. Two units cover rents, one expenses and one goes in your pocket. With an 8 plex, 4 cover rents, two cover expenses and 2 goes in the pocket.
b) A property is worth roughly 100 times the monthly cashflow

Use legal entities:

Unfortunately America is the land of litigation and litigation is considered a socially acceptable way to make money. Proper use of legal entities can contain risk to one property and protect personal and private assets.

Carry appropriate liability insurance:

This one is self-explanatory.

Know when to buy:

Remember Buffett’s rule. It is time to sell when everyone is buying. When you buy for cashflow you won’t overpay for a property and when everyone is buying it is time to sell your underperforming properties. Keep your winners until you can trade your winners in for larger, performing properties.

Develop partners on the ground:

Developing your team is crucial to success. Property managers, mortgage brokers, and attorneys should be part of your team. If you are buying in a market you are unfamiliar with, ground partners become critical to your investment success. Don’t assume that because you live near a community you want to invest in, you are familiar with the dynamics of that community enough to safely invest. Develop your partners first.

Real estate is an essential part of any investment portfolio. Investing in a tangible piece of property is simple but team building, planning your exit strategy before you buy, and timing your purchases are part of the essential strategies for success. Forgetting the risks and ignoring the simple success strategies will wash many a would-be investor up on the shore or land him in the jail of failure.

Simple Fitness Tips to Accommodate All Lifestyles

An area that every single person should be concerned with is their fitness. When it comes to this, it’s important that your decisions are sound. If you are struggling to maintain a good fitness routine, read the following article for some ideas.

First, it is important to incorporate some cardiovascular exercises into your fitness regimen. This is important for numerous reasons. First, it ensures that your heart remains strong and healthy. Second, it helps you lose fat or maintain your current weight. Because your heart rate is elevated with cardio exercise, it is proven to be of the best weight-loss methods. You may think that cardio is simply running outside or on a treadmill, but the truth is there are so many other things you can do to get a good cardio workout. For instance, you could try riding a bike outside, playing a sport, or even just dancing to your favorite songs. All can help elevate your heart rate, increasing your metabolism. If you have bad joints, you should consider using an elliptical machine, which has been proven to be one of the best weight-loss machines for those with weak joints. Cardio workouts can be accomplished virtually anytime and anywhere.

Although cardio exercise is extremely important, you should not forget to include some resistance training as well. This is important for building lean muscle, which helps to keep your metabolism high and burn off fat. Although you may be afraid of resistance training because you do not want to get bulky, you should not let this stop you. Although it is true that resistance training can do this to you, it won’t if you maintain a healthy diet and incorporate some cardio workouts as well. In fact, if you don’t do resistance training, you could end up burning a lot of muscle as well as fat, which can cause you to look deathly sick. If you are prone to injury, you don’t even have to use weights. You can use your own body weight, such as push-ups or pull-ups, to do resistance training.

Make sure you don’t forget to workout the lower back. Many weightlifters focus on the “mirror muscles”, such as the chest, shoulders, and biceps. However, all parts of the body should be worked out, and that includes your lower back. If you fail to workout this part of your body, it will get weak. When you have a weak lower back, you are prone to serious injury. Lower back injury is a very serious matter that can be prevented by working it out. Try doing some superman’s and lat pull-downs to workout this muscle.

Whenever you workout regularly, it’s important that you eat right. This includes eating before and after your workout. About an hour before your workout, you should consume a light snack that contains long-lasting carbohydrates, such as brown rice, oatmeal, or a whole-wheat bagel. Include some protein as well. After your workout, you should consume foods with a higher glycemic index because your body needs fast-absorbing carbohydrates during this time, especially if your workout was intense. These foods include white rice, mashed potatoes, and cereal. Also, make sure you include protein. Protein is an important macronutrient for a healthy body.

When working out, it’s important not to just do a workout whenever you have free time. If you are a busy person, you will probably struggle to find free time and make an excuse that you’re too busy. Instead, set a time for your workouts and stick with them, no matter what. It really doesn’t matter what time of the day you workout, just as long as you actually do it. If you workout best in the early morning before work, do it. If the best time for you to workout is after work, then do that. Just make sure you incorporate a workout into your day somewhere.

Finally, keep in mind the golden rule whenever you are in the middle of your workout: always breathe. Never hold your breath. This is important for many reasons. First, you can get dizzy and faint if you do not breathe. Second, your muscles require oxygen in order to function. In order to receive oxygen, you have to breathe. Breathing deeply can actually help you get through extremely difficult workouts. Remember to breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth.

Living a healthy lifestyle does not have to be difficult. Utilize the tips provided above, and you can plan out your fitness regime with success.

8 Internet Marketing Tips For Real Estate Agents

I thought it may helpful for you to know before I share these 8 internet marketing tips for real estate agents, I’ve spent 5 years as a real estate investor in the Boston area. I tell you not to impress you, rather I told led with that because I’m a serial entrepreneur that has been watching real estate agent after real estate agent not use the internet effectively to enhance their entrepreneurial efforts and better their bottom line for way to long!

If you looking to sell houses faster and with less “bail-outs” before the sale, you should read below.

Listed are 8 “new age” internet marketing tips for real estate agents:

1. Have a personal website or blog – Branding yourself over your business efforts has broken the bond with tradition for service providers. Customers and clients side with your relationship when buying, not with the company that you run your business through.

2. Give away a professional piece that brands you as an authority figure - Whether it be a PDF, video series or coupon that entices a client for doing business with you.. giving away and paying forward your knowledge of your industry is what is going to ‘hook’ buyers. This strategy will differentiate you from every other real estate agent.

3. Create a Facebook fan page for your business – Facebook allows you to communicate in ‘REAL TIME’ with your ‘raving fan’ followers. What’s great about social media is that you can brand in Boston, New York, Chicago, LA or wherever in a heartbeat – all at the click of a button! Who do your clients know has never been so valuable!

4. Brand yourself, not your company – The power of persuasion has been given back to those entrepreneurs who become “savvy” webpreneurs. I’d highly recommend sharing your expertise by partaking in value added entrepreneurship with your clients and buyers. Those who are self-branded stand out in the crowd in a big way.

5. Collect email addresses - Information is the most valuable currency in this “new age.” By giving away insight as to why (your driver) you do what you do and less about what it is that you actually do (sell real estate), getting customers to grant you permission to market to them is easier than ever in today’s economy.

6. Write an article or a blog post on each property your represent – The Multiple Listing Service (MLS) is no longer a “sexy” sales aid because all real estate agents have access to it. Therefore, there are several Boston based agents that have completely swiped the market share of their competitors by being unique and educating their clients before selling to them. I know some of them personally and their system converts like crazy to sales.

7. Use self-made videos to market you and your properties - Company created sales aids can be beneficial, but being an innovative entrepreneur always strikes a chord with clients.

8. Train other agents on how to market online - This “new age” era has allowed agents and professionals in many other industries to open up a many diverse pathways for more income in their career. If you have a system that works, share it with other, they are more than willing to pay you for results in this economy.

Many consumers are striving to find the best deal, “trim the fat” off their prices paid and because of this, they are more willing than ever to find a new agent, thus leaving their loyalty elsewhere. The bottom line, get distinctive or lose customers – they just want top-quality service, whether it’s from you or somebody else.

Why Present Your Product With Explainer Video?

It’s not a secret that video marketing is the latest trend and is used by plenty of companies to outshine in this world. In today’s time, the world has turned into an open competitive marketing place; there is a need for something which can just add in the spark of revolution to the existing business. Engaging audience with video content is quite common in today’s time. Even the videos are easily accessible more than before.

According to Dan Pattinson, Human beings are the most powerful and highly visual beings. It helps us in understanding anything in a better way.

Thus, as a business owner, one of the best ways to leap your business a notch higher is with the help of explainer videos. These videos are well designed and allow the users to get a little more detail about your products in a more profound manner and that too within minutes. How easy it is, isn’t it? Yes, it is.

Let us enlist and go through the reasons to why you should present your product with a video.

They are Concise
No user wants to read long tail words or watch videos filled with ambiguity and other disturbing factors. Videos are concise; as simple as that. Plenty of the business decision makers love online because it simplifies their workability in a whole new order of ambiguous free environment.

Another great feature of videos is that they sum up every detailing within a short span of time. As a result, your customers will never have any reason to ball early, and there will be a high possibility of your product being successful.

They Show a problem as well as a solution
Video progresses gradually showing the issues and the potential solutions associated with them. Illustrating how to solve any problem with the help of explainer videos will help your customers to get interested in your product in a more fanatic way. However, you can accomplish the same with written content, but it will not be of much use as explainer videos are.

You can get creative
The best part of explainer video for products is that you can unleash your creativity in a more expandable manner. You can write jokes in your script, amuse your audiences and can get an edge with your product far ahead than your competitors. For music freaks, you can even add music in explainer videos to sooth the environment in a better way.

They are applicable everywhere
Once you have made a brilliant explainer video for your product, you can use it in a vast range of contexts with great ease and comfort. The number of locations where you can keep your explainer video are as follows:

  1. YouTube is the best option where you can keep your explainer video and generate a higher amount of traffic by highlighting your product.
  2. If you have a website, you can embed it on your homepage and can use it as a great feature of your landing page.
  3. Also, you can incorporate explainer videos into your power points to let your clients understand your product more reliably and confidently.

Use the approachable medium
Though there is a little bit of learning, explainer videos are still attainable and a fantastic way of learning for marketers. As a business owner, you don’t have to spend hours to understand the working of explainer videos and don’t need to spend dollars on the same. That is the reason, 65% of the marketers are planning to increment their video marketing budgets because they know the importance of such blessed technology.

There are handy for old as well as new customers
Even though the primary goal of explainer videos is to attract new customers for your product, they are also helpful in reaching the established customers as well in an expandable manner. At times, the explainer video can be used as a learning model which can be helpful at numerous times.

Savannah Stewart states that most of us are comfortable in learning visually. Whether it’s about the product, company or service, videos are quite helpful in attracting the audience and keeping them engaged till the video is running. It helps them in attaining a better understanding.

You can showcase your brand personality
You can let your brand’s personality outshine throughout the video and can write scripts which will reflect your character. In today’s scenario, some video marketing budgets are now directed towards branded videos which are still a healthy sign for explainer video users.

Final Verdict
All in all, for making any product successful, a series of planning is involved but inculcating such plan with an explainer video can be a cherry on the cake. As a business owner, including the above points in your business model, go for an explainer video and visualize your business expand to level par excellence.

Tips To Hire An Auto Body Repair Shop

The need for auto body repair shop is much more than any other repair shop. Since the demand for such efficient auto body repair shops is high, it is evident that there are many companies which offer such services. As a common man, it becomes really tough to choose a car body shop which shall offer the best of services at the most affordable rates. Thus, you need to take a very smart decision and make the most of the deals when you are choosing such a shop. Here are some easy tips which shall help you to choose a car body shop:

  • Try to find out about the experience of the body shop company and the kind of services the shop offers to its clients. This shall help you to understand if such a shop shall be suitable for your needs and if you will actually benefit by using the services of such a shop.
  • If you stay in Huntington Beach, you shall be flooded with options and in such a case it really becomes very difficult to choose a company of your preference. If you have several options and you find it extremely complex, it is best to take help from your friends and relatives who have already hired the services of such a shop. Any leading Huntington Beach auto body shop shall have an online presence and in such a case it shall be very easy for you to judge the shop because you will be able to view happy customer reviews and testimonials. Huntington Beach auto body shop online portals are the best ways to learn about a company.
  • Try to find out about the special features of the body shops. There are many shops which specialize in car collisions or others which specialize in car body paint. In such a case it becomes very easy for you to choose a company of your choice, because it is evident that when a company specializes in a particular service, it is surely going to offer such services much better than others. Hence, suppose you are looking just for body painting services, it is best to hire a body and paint shop which shall make it very convenient to choose a property of your choice.
  • Do not forget to check out the rates offered by such companies. It is better to choose any Huntington Beach Body paint shop after making a comparison of its features and prices, so that you can make a right choice. Discounts are often offered to customers to attract them and to gain a competitive advantage over others.

No matter which type of company you choose, it is always recommended that you make a choice as per your requirements and not just by checking the services offered by the company. Any car body shop might offer you a gamut of services but you may not be in need of all such service – hence it is important that you make a comparison of the services and its pricing before picking a car body shop as per your choice.

What is the Real Meaning of Work Life Balance?

Do you know what work life balance is? Do you have it in your own life or do you see it as a mere myth meant for others to obtain?Work life balance is the separation between your work life and your personal life. It is the boundary that you create between your profession, career, or business and every other segment that makes up your life. Aside from your career, these segments include your family, personal growth, spirituality, fitness and health, and community and friendships.Once you begin to establish healthy boundaries between your work life and your personal life, you begin to feel more fulfillment and personal satisfaction. This happens as a result of your own state of wellness. Your mental state becomes much more confident, clear, and decisive because you are well-rounded and balanced.By having a clear and consistent separation between your job and the other segments of your life, you enable yourself to truly be present in each realm of your life. You no longer worry about work projects while at home and don’t worry about things you need to do at home while at the office. This allows you to be sharper, more efficient, and better-focused. It also enables you to use your time more efficiently, be more effective with your communication, task completion, and decision making, and to enjoy your time at work much more than ever before.Work life balance plays a huge role in determining whether a person will reach career advancement. This has been proven by studies and statistics which you will read about later in this book. The studies on work life balance are truly impressive and have been eye-opening to many employers.”Work-life balance is now the second most important driver of employee attraction and commitment”, says Corporate Executive Board (CEB) research.Studies done by CEB research also show that employees work much harder for companies that offer better work life balance. In the current economic environment, work life balance now ranks as one of the most important workplace attributes-second only to compensation, according to research conducted by the Corporate Executive Board among more than 50,000 global workers.Did you know that employees who feel they have a better work-life balance tend to work 21% harder than those that don’t?(CEB Research).According to the research done by CEB in 2006, 53% of employees felt they had a good work-life balance. Yet, that number plummeted to 30% in the first quarter of 2009.Right now, the most successful organizations recognize that the most appreciated service they can provide to their employees is the “gift of time.” This is a very valuable nugget of information. It’s a great leverage tool for companies to use when hiring talent and for individuals looking for employment. Time can be a factor included in your compensation negotiations.In fact, the study done by CEB showed that more than 60% of the employees polled identified flexible schedules as the most important work-life practice their employer could provide.In essence, time is of incredible value to both employers and the employees today. Savvy employers are realizing this and using work life balance programs and perks to attract talent they may otherwise not afford. These days, many talented workers are not looking for more money. They are instead looking for better quality of life…that which you get through work life balance. So, even if you are not able to negotiate a higher salary, you can use work life balance as a leveraging tool to create the lifestyle that you desire.

10 Reasons Why Health and Fitness Professionals Should Say Yes to MLM

For those who want to achieve financial freedom, as well as work at their own pace and at their own time, multilevel marketing or MLM could show them the way towards success and freedom. The advantage of MLM is that you do not need large sums of money to begin your own home business. With the explosion of the Internet, widening your marketing reach, as well as targeting the right set of customers, should be much easier to achieve.The health and fitness industry is a continuously-growing MLM niche. In 2004, the industry generated as much as $68 billion in sales, indicating that more and more customers continue to purchase products after their initial sale, hence greater residual income for health and fitness MLM professionals. The health and fitness market also offers customers with a wide array of products and services, ranging from vitamins and minerals, weight loss and weight management supplements to fortified foods and body care products for the skin, hair, face and eyes. So what makes MLM an ideal field of business for health and fitness professionals?1. MLM is a rapidly-growing industry that serves the most possible customers.Whether you are working at home or running a small network of distributors, multilevel marketing’s structure and operations model allows you to widen your base of potential customers. Additionally, it allows you to obtain higher revenues from the sales made through your downlines.2. MLM allows you to reach both domestic and international markets.Once you join multilevel marketing, it will certainly be quite easier for you and your sales team to market your health and fitness products. You will not only have the domestic market within your reach, but the lucrative overseas markets as well.3. MLM offers unique compensation plans.Health and professionals will truly be able to achieve their dreams of earning larger incomes through MLM, because most MLM companies and entities offer unique compensation plans. Such plan help provide its members with significant residual income.4. Multilevel marketing companies offer reliable training & support services.In MLM, you do not need to work on your own, or be left in the dark while everyone else moves up. Most MLM campaigns offer solid training programs and support services for their distributors, which allow them to learn new marketing techniques, as well as generate higher sales.5. MLM allows you to take full advantage of the InternetHigh-performing MLM companies take full advantage of the best tools and methods offered by the Internet. Among the techniques of great use for you include: Web site marketing, automated lead generation, email campaigns, social media marketing, and many more.6. You earn income even when you are sleeping!Probably the best thing about joining multilevel marketing is that you continue to earn money even when you’re asleep. Because there is a team working under you, you earn commission and subsequent perks from the sales of those who work under you.7. MLM offers a proven method for selling products and recruiting members.I probably wouldn’t be saying that multilevel marketing is a booming industry today, if there wasn’t a proven method for selling products and recruiting new members.8. Credible MLM Companies are run by managers who have proven track records.Reputable and established network marketing companies are generally run by a team of experienced and dedicated professionals, who have years of experience running their own businesses and managing their own teams.9. You work at your own pace and your own time.With multilevel marketing, you won’t need to do cold calls, or knock on anybody else’s door just to sell your products. The best thing is you work at your own pace, and determine your own hours of work.10. You have a team of veteran Multilevel Marketers to help you succeed.In MLM, you get constant coaching, advice, training and support from the best and most experienced network marketers in your organization.

Custom Entertainment Centers

Entertainment centers play an important role in the overall décor of a home. They are available in all kinds of designs, colors and styles to match the theme and other furniture in a home. Today, many people prefer to have their entertainment centers customized to suit their distinctive needs.To buy a custom-made entertainment center, a person should begin by contacting a few furniture showrooms in the city. Many cabinet showrooms employ design professionals who can customize entertainment centers. These designers can design a piece that maximizes the available space. Most furniture designers possess the expertise to ensure that no matter what space size, the entertainment center will fit and function well.To extract the fullest advantage, it is important that customers share their ideas preferably with photographs or an advertisement of the entertainment center concept that appeals to them. Designers generally provide site photographs of the entertainment centers made earlier as a reference point.A buyer can select the type of wood and paint they desire and provide the designer with details of the equipments they want to store in the unit. It is usually recommended that an entertainment center’s TV cabinet have foldaway pocket doors. These doors open and fold back along the inside of the cabinet. For remote control equipment, glass doors are most suitable. Proper ventilation is necessary to keep the equipment from overheating. Open shelf spaces can be included to display books and other decorative items.It is important to double-check measurements and advisable to get the cabinet designer or a professional installer to take the measurements. Also, the cabinets must be designed in a way to facilitate replacement of equipment with newer models if desired. It is always advisable to work with professional designers who can blend their expertise with the customer’s requirements and ideas to create a custom-made entertainment center.

Some Tips on Getting Life Insurance

Getting life insurance is easy enough, but getting the right kind of life insurance can take a bit of strategy and thinking. You will need to know a few things before you do get the right kind of insurance that you feel will fit your needs and your family?s needs. Here are some things you might want to know before you do plunk down your hard earned cash on a insurance policy that you are being offered to get.Different Kinds of Life InsuranceThere are a couple of distinct types that people can avail of. You can choose to get a term life insurance policy or a whole/permanent life insurance policy. The difference in the two types is defined by the payments you make and how long you have to make these payments. With a term life insurance policy, you are to pay off your policy in a period of time that you choose from around ten, twenty, or thirty years. The payment period of a whole/permanent life insurance policy lasts for as long as you are alive, which could mean that you can be expected to pay for your insurance well into your golden years. The difference in the amount of money your beneficiaries will get with these two different kinds of insurance. With a term life insurance, your beneficiaries will get only the amount that you paid for in the term you chose. With a whole/permanent life insurance policy, for as long as you keep up payments, the amount that your beneficiaries will receive will increase over time.Things to Know About Life InsuranceHere are a few things you will need to know and how to get the most out of your insurance policies:- Do your research. When you are looking around for a insurance policy for yourself, it does pay to do your research. Look around for the better deals and for those premiums you know you can readily afford. You should be able to talk to a few different insurance agents and companies to see what your options are and to better choose what suits you best.- Remember, the better health you have, the better the rates. When you get insurance when you are in the pink of health, you do get better rates. Certain life-threatening habits like smoking, life-threatening activities like dangerous sports, being overweight, and other similar findings that can shorten a person?s life expectancy often makes an insurance company assessor charge a person more. Try to get into somewhat better shape than you are in right now to get yourself better rates when it comes to your life insurance premiums.- When you’re young…Another way to get lower premiums is to buy insurance when you are younger. If you buy at a younger age, you get the advantage of good health and more years to pay for you insurance. If you get term insurance, you can be done with your premium payments at an earlier age as well.- Reassess your insurance every year. The insurance you got at the start of the previous year may not be enough coverage for you and your family at the beginning of the following year. Certain events in your life may alter the needs you have and the needs your family has as well. You may need to assess and change the insurance coverage you have after every year to cover all of the things you need to have covered or that has changed in the past year.- Never lie on your insurance application. You might think that omitting one or two ailments or problems from your life insurance application can let you get away with paying more than you are supposed to. Just keep in mind, if the insurance company who has your life insurance policy finds out that you withheld important information from them during the application process, they can terminate the policy and you will lose everything you have invested in it so far.

Offline Gambling: For Richer or Poorer

Gambling is very popular, from way back when, and more so today. It is a scam itself. In fact the oldest form known. Not only a scam, but very deceptive. Statistics show that about six percent of adults that are involved in gambling are severely addicted to such a “past time” as they call it. People who are hooked on gambling have the urge to bet on almost anything. From horses, cards, and the casino. The number doesn’t end there. It continues to expand.

Casino scams are everywhere. High payouts and promising winnings are put up in huge slogans thereby attracting people who want to earn money the fast, easy and enjoyable way. A fact is gamblers waste a lot of their time, in the hope of winning. So they don’t give up easily.

Studies show that gambling problems can easily occur in individuals with no self control. It is necessary for one to identify if he has problems, so it can be identified and acted upon promptly.

Here are some questions one should ask to detect if there is a problem:

* After gambling, when you lose money, be it a small or a large amount, do regret it, or feel resentment?

* When you win, do you have a strong desire to win more, therefore you want to go back?

* When you lose, do you feel a need to go back very soon?

* Do you spend a lot of time gambling, usually longer than what you planned?

*If you have problems, do you gamble to forget them?

* Are you spending more time gambling than with work?

*Do you not stop until your very last dollar is taken up?

*Do arguments take place between you and your family as a result of your need to gamble?

*To finance your gambling, do you borrow money from friends or associates?

Gambling addiction can be destructive. Family, friends and your reputation are at risk. It is a condition often times ignored. There are escape gamblers that affect seventy five percent of women from their thirties and up. Usually the reasons for gambling is to escape from the emotional pain that they are in, being bored, lonely, depressed or that they make gambling their hobby or past time. These types of addiction can be cured in three to six months.

The action gambler is much more difficult to deal. Most are men, where gambling for them creates ecstasy like a drug addition. This is much harder to cure, since the individual will deny the fact, when confronted. They will typically not stop until left with nothing, financially.

As gambling creates a lot of scams, it is a fact that still more and more are drawn to it. The primary reason is to win a huge amount of money. But then comes in the most lethal of reasons — that of feeling a certain euphoria. Scams or no scams, an individual still continues to gamble and is a reason why offline gambling still thrives today.